Nasty Little Thoughts

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mini update

My cousin, Sperm Donor, has evidently kept in touch with Willis, who is reportedly newly divorced from wife #2 and still crashing with his parents at the lake house.

Is it truly evil of me to take pleasure in knowing that those who caused me grief are now suffering? Nah, you reap what you sow, fellas.

On a stick

Last weekend, thanks to a stomach virus infecting my friend, her husband and 3 children, I received free tickets to the gastronomical extravaganza known as the Texas Renaissance Festival.

In theory the Renaissance Festival is your opportunity to step back in time, to explore 15th century living, buy handmade crafts, listen to period music and ogle your choice of men in tights or wenches with their boobs on display. And let us not forget the scotsmen wearing kilts, tossing their wood for my viewing pleasure....

Where else can you have your fortune read by a gypsy, tip a beggar on the street, watch shows by the mud man and Ded Bob, have your ears assaulted by the mad executioner meets "Eyes Wide Shut", drench a wench, drink honey mead, watch girls in chain mail bikinis and find out once and for all what really is underneath that kilt?

You can also get some pretty cool stuff, hand made soap, crystals, weaponry and armor, jewelry, staffs, period clothing and shoes, windchimes, gargoyles, beaded purses, stuffed plague rats, and just about any bizarre thing your mind can dream up.

But mostly, you get to eat. Leg of lamb, turkey legs, roasted corn-on-the-cob, beef stew in an edible bread bowl, gyros, empanadas, candied nuts, muffaletta sandwiches, fish and chips, schnitzel, funnel cake, stuffed pitas and scottish eggs. You can partake in wine tasting and beer tasting. And then there's the gourmet offerings that come on a stick.

Soft baked pretzels, fried alligator, roasted pork loin, fresh strawberries, frozen chocolate covered bananas, grilled chicken, grilled or fried muschrooms, grilled shrimp, souvlaki, rolls and the ever popular 11 inch sausage, which I don't personally recommend since I got sick, deathly sick, after eating one.

Which gets me thinking, what bizarre yummy would you suggest putting on a stick?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

He Man Trisa Haters Club

I was speaking with a friend yesterday and inquired about My First Felon, hoping for a nice juicy update or at least news of his continued pathetic life path. I was blown away to learn that dear old Con has gotten married to a complete and utter cow. (It's only fair that I admit to all current and future exes that I have excellent sources).

The girlfriend who helped land Con in the slammer, was the only person willing to support his habitually unemployed, mooching ass. Apparently, with a little shmoozing of his mom and inlaws-to-be, Mad Cow and Con had a nice Tahitian wedding. And I wasn't invited?

The really bizarre thing (besides all my exes marrying the person they date AFTER me) is that they seem to all live in the same damned neighborhood. Have they formed a club? Do they issue blazers ala Stepford Wives? Is there a secret handshake? Why would 3 men from different states, different lifestyles, and different career paths with only one thing in common...ME...get hitched and move to the same suburb? I am not a fan of country music, but I've got George Strait singing to me right now, "All my exes live in NAMEOFTOWN, Texas...."

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Pear shaped

Ages ago, before losing half of me taking Metabolife, my friend fixed me up with one of her coworkers. He called several times in the course of a couple of weeks and even offered to bring me some Nyquil and chicken noodle soup when I caught the flu. I thought to myself, I've got to meet this guy! He's so thoughtful!

Over the course of our few dates, I had to reevaluate my impression of him. For instance, he took me to eat at a trendy pasta bar (overpriced "gourmet" pasta served on disposable plates), promising me a surprise afterwards. We drove in circles for the better part of an hour. I kept asking, "Where are we going?"

Chuck kept answering, "It's a surprise."

"If you don't tell me where we're going, I can't help you find it." (Those of you who know me see the humor in this statement. I am the reason GPS locators are now available for the average vehicle. I can't find my way out of a paper bag with a map. I have absolutely no sense of direction. In fact, if you ever ask me for directions, do the opposite of whatever I suggest, and you should get there just fine. ) Chuck however, not having experienced the joy of Lost with Trisa, finally broke down and told me our destination was the water wall at Transco Tower.

My jaw dropped open, which I got to see reflected in the darkened window. We'd been driving circles around the damned Transco Tower. It is, in fact, the tallest building in Houston, one that I can reliably navigate by. And, as luck would have it, I'd seen the water wall on a school field trip. "We've been driving around Transco Tower all night," I told him.

"Yeah, but I can't find the park."

"It's at the base of Transco Tower," I answered exasperated. How could I be out with someone who can't even find Transco Tower? (Admittedly, I didn't have many standards at the time and would go out with just about anyone that asked, but damn, even I can find Transco Tower.)

Finally Chuck steered the car towards the building and like magic, we found Transco Park and the water wall. We got out and walked around for a bit. I'd never seen the water wall lit up at night; it is quite pretty and the sound of the rushing water totally blocks out the sounds of the city.

After a few minutes, maybe 5 or 10, Chuck just stood off to the side. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"I'm feeling sick," he answered.

Uh-oh. I instantly went into teacher/nurse mode. Where does it hurt? Do you have fever? Etc.

"It's just the sauce on the pasta. I get sick whenever I eat cream sauce."

"Then why'd you order it?!"

Instead of the semi-romantic visit to the water wall being followed up with a movie, as was the plan, Chuck cut the evening short and took me home.

A couple weeks later, on my birthday, he took me to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. He told me all about the special on the way over. Chuck, you see, would go to certain restaurants on certain days, would order the special and water, and would eat for less than $8.00.

We sat at the table and he ordered water while I ordered iced tea. He looked at me disapprovingly over his menu, but I concentrated on the vast array of menu items. When the waiter came, Chuck tried to seize control and order for me.

"I'll have the alambre," I said cutting him off and rubbed salt into the wound of his bruised ego by adding, "It's my birthday." Chuck ordered the special, the lunch sized portion.

The food was excellent. The conversation was lacking.

Afterwards, on the way home, he said, "I got you something," as he reached into the backseat and handed me a gift bag.

I reached in and pulled out the first item I touched. "Why do girls always go for the card first?" he whined.

After I read the card, I reached in and pulled out the next item, something in a small, rectangular box. I was shocked to realize it was lipstick. (What guy buys a girl makeup for her birthday?) Not only was it lipstick, but it was Mary Kay lipstick. I opened it, twisting it up so I could see the color, which was brown. And it smelled like melted wax.

"Oh, thanks, Chuck. I'd try the color on but I'm already wearing another color. I don't think they'll mix well."

"You like it? I can get another one if you want. A lady at work had a whole basket of the stuff on her desk and I just picked one." Impulse birthday shopping?

Here's a little clue for you guys out there. Girls want to pick their own beauty products. If you want to buy something for her, make sure it's a product and color that she likes. The same goes for perfume. These things are an intimate part of what makes a woman unique. Err on the side of caution and give her something else.

"There's more," he told me after an awkward silence.

I reached into the bag a third time and pulled out a videotape. Chuck had gone to the trouble of recording "Titanic" for me. Now, I'm sure you've seen "Titanic". It's a depressing movie. DeCrappio dies, which would normally be a good thing, but you have to endure the never ending cries of Kate Winslet, "It's a boat, Jack. Jack, it's a boat. It's a boat, Jack...." Nothing spells romance like cable theft on VHS.

Right after my birthday, we went out for dinner again. (All we ever did was go out to dinner because Chuck kept eating things that didn't agree with him. In hindsight, I think it was another manifestation of his ultra cheap ways.) Chuck's car had no door handle on the passenger side. When we got to the restaurant he got out of the car, hit the door lock and walked away. I was stuck in the car long enough to start to panic before he opened the door and let me out.

We ate (but I was too pissed to remember where) and we drove up and down Westheimer a few times looking at the places others were going, but Chuck would never actually go to. He said some inane things that fueled my anger and then took me home.

The next day, I called my friend and told her I didn't want to see him anymore, he was freaking me out and pissing me off. She said, "Well he was just talking with me about the four of us (including her husband) getting together this weekend."

"Oh really? He's making plans and not even asking me? You need to talk to him." I figure she got me into this relationship, she can get me out.

She asked him, "Have you spoken to Trisa about the weekend?"


"I think you really should speak to her."


"She doesn't want to see you anymore."

And here, Chuck broke down crying, "I would've done anything for love."

Love? Chuck, my boy, I have to confess. When we were seeing each other, the girls at work asked me to describe you. I couldn't do it. "Um....well, he uh....he's roughly pear shaped."

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Un poco de todo (A little bit of everything)

It's been a while since I've posted, in that time the Astros got their buts whipped by the White Sox, I've lost the title to my car (which I hadn't yet registered with the state), JR's mom's best friend stopped by my school looking for him, I took care of some long neglected yardwork, got the antique dresser almost completed (must find a new mirror) and commissioned the Hatter to bring life to a superhero I dreamed up. Whew! No wonder I didn't get to blog....

Toe Boy and the Talent are having issues with the Brazilian tour and have partnered with a local promotions company. I'm still doubtful that the show will go on, but time will tell. The Talent's website won an award and you know that's just got to piss off E. The Talent's CD's have also been received so that distribution can commence. Hopefully soon I can direct you all to your nearest record shop to get your very own copy.

I joined a writer's group on yahoo that is hosted by a friend. Mostly, it reminds me of those old Faberge Organic Shampoo commercials, you know, "where they told their friends and they told their friends and they told their friends, too." Most of the friends, however, don't seem terribly interested in writing and we haven't thus far been able to meet, share and critique. Which got me thinking.

If the group got together tommorrow, what would I take? So the last few days I've been saving my writings on disk (God forbid something happen to blogspot; I'd lose everything.) My plan is to then print it all and organize it into some semblance of order so that I can see which stories I've told and which I've omitted. Have no fear. There are more dating disasters to share. (And with a little luck, I'll be making some new dating memories soon.)

Speaking of dating, the BBW site is not proving itself to be terribly promising. The ex-wonderful dating site is trying to woo me back, but if I agree to the deal, I'll be taking the test over and starting a new profile from scratch. Thrill seekers, adventure freaks and those with a death wish need not apply.

The holidays are approaching and not only have I not bought one single present, but I have different furniture this year and can't even figure out where to put the Christmas tree! If you are on my Christmas list this year, please send gift ideas. And if you're planning on filling my stocking, cash is always good. Or silver sparklies. Or clothes. Or music. (You should know the list by now, it's always the same.) Or hey, just surprise me!