Nasty Little Thoughts

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Un poco de todo (A little bit of everything)

It's been a while since I've posted, in that time the Astros got their buts whipped by the White Sox, I've lost the title to my car (which I hadn't yet registered with the state), JR's mom's best friend stopped by my school looking for him, I took care of some long neglected yardwork, got the antique dresser almost completed (must find a new mirror) and commissioned the Hatter to bring life to a superhero I dreamed up. Whew! No wonder I didn't get to blog....

Toe Boy and the Talent are having issues with the Brazilian tour and have partnered with a local promotions company. I'm still doubtful that the show will go on, but time will tell. The Talent's website won an award and you know that's just got to piss off E. The Talent's CD's have also been received so that distribution can commence. Hopefully soon I can direct you all to your nearest record shop to get your very own copy.

I joined a writer's group on yahoo that is hosted by a friend. Mostly, it reminds me of those old Faberge Organic Shampoo commercials, you know, "where they told their friends and they told their friends and they told their friends, too." Most of the friends, however, don't seem terribly interested in writing and we haven't thus far been able to meet, share and critique. Which got me thinking.

If the group got together tommorrow, what would I take? So the last few days I've been saving my writings on disk (God forbid something happen to blogspot; I'd lose everything.) My plan is to then print it all and organize it into some semblance of order so that I can see which stories I've told and which I've omitted. Have no fear. There are more dating disasters to share. (And with a little luck, I'll be making some new dating memories soon.)

Speaking of dating, the BBW site is not proving itself to be terribly promising. The ex-wonderful dating site is trying to woo me back, but if I agree to the deal, I'll be taking the test over and starting a new profile from scratch. Thrill seekers, adventure freaks and those with a death wish need not apply.

The holidays are approaching and not only have I not bought one single present, but I have different furniture this year and can't even figure out where to put the Christmas tree! If you are on my Christmas list this year, please send gift ideas. And if you're planning on filling my stocking, cash is always good. Or silver sparklies. Or clothes. Or music. (You should know the list by now, it's always the same.) Or hey, just surprise me!


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