Nasty Little Thoughts

Thursday, November 17, 2005

He Man Trisa Haters Club

I was speaking with a friend yesterday and inquired about My First Felon, hoping for a nice juicy update or at least news of his continued pathetic life path. I was blown away to learn that dear old Con has gotten married to a complete and utter cow. (It's only fair that I admit to all current and future exes that I have excellent sources).

The girlfriend who helped land Con in the slammer, was the only person willing to support his habitually unemployed, mooching ass. Apparently, with a little shmoozing of his mom and inlaws-to-be, Mad Cow and Con had a nice Tahitian wedding. And I wasn't invited?

The really bizarre thing (besides all my exes marrying the person they date AFTER me) is that they seem to all live in the same damned neighborhood. Have they formed a club? Do they issue blazers ala Stepford Wives? Is there a secret handshake? Why would 3 men from different states, different lifestyles, and different career paths with only one thing in common...ME...get hitched and move to the same suburb? I am not a fan of country music, but I've got George Strait singing to me right now, "All my exes live in NAMEOFTOWN, Texas...."


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