Nasty Little Thoughts

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Agony of the Feet

What is the opposite of a fetish? An aversion? Let me introduce myself; my name is Trisa and I have an anti-fetish/aversion to feet. Can we agree that I won't show you my toes if you will please not show me yours? Seriously, I don't like looking at women's perfectly pedicured and painted toes, and my skin crawls at the thought of spying some gnarly, hairy man toes.

That's why I feel so strongly about men wearing appropriate footwear. The Jesus sandals of the 90's were bad. Sandals and/or flip flops with socks, while keeping the toes hidden, looked absolutely ridiculous! But now there's a new terror afoot.

Man mules.

I have only in the last couple years been able to bring myself to wear backless shoes. Just like I don't want to see gnarly, hairy toes, I don't want to catch sight of any crusty heels either. Women can wear hose though, and camoflage their weaker foot attributes. Not so with the opposite sex.

When a man slips on a backless tennis shoe, sans socks of course, and goes out in public, it is surely a sign of the coming apocalypse. It is a clear indication of all that is wrong in this world. And I attribute it to W.

He can't steer a bicycle; I have no doubts that velcro, much less actual laces, would prove challenging. Think about it. When he's giving his fancy speeches, you never see the backs of his shoes.

This public service announcement was brought to you by Nasty Little Thoughts.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Through the Looking Glass

It's been a day full of surprises. First, in the Reading Room, I reviewed a book and got feedback from the author. (Yes I know it was the author cuz I have stat counter and could ID her from her host. )

But truly how can you be sure of the veracity of anything said on the internet? How can you now without doubt that your best internet friend isn't a raving, lunatic, psychotic predator??

I popped in to read one of my favorite blogs today and had the rug pulled out from under me. It is (or maybe I should say was) a semi-kink blog that I would read on a fantasy level. Basically it was about a married couple Patty and Fred and their mutual kinky interest, and how despite their personal trials, and their unconventional lifestyle, they kept on keeping on because of the awesome totality of their love for each other.

It was all a fucking lie.

Patty decided to "come clean" and share that she's really a raging alcoholic, and that the blog is a fictionalized interpretation of events that have happened at some time in her past.

I'm shocked. Not quite pissed yet, but I'll get there. Not that she owed me anything; I didn't participate in chats or comments, just lurked, read some, enjoyed some and was made uncomfortable by some.

However, Patty advertised the blog as a true life account of this relationship.

Why has she decided to tell the truth now? Or at least the new and improved truth of the day?

She apparantly had been part of a forum and had created this extensive family life, complete with tragedies such as the heart attack of her husband and death of her child. The forum pitched in to support one of their own and set up a paypal account for her. (I have no idea how much they raised.) She has spent the money.

And now she wants us to believe that she is sorry and that she's giving away all her worldly goods and tithing (not my word, hers) to charities, leaving herself with not enough to live on. She posted a pic to show us what a terrible housekeeper she is. And she talked about how hard it will be for her to get mental health care even though she is supposedly a nurse (but really can we believe anything at this point?)

I won't publicize her mess by sending you to her site. I know I won't be back.

I promise to all my loyal readers and to those who've found me just by chance, that any story I've written here, all the exes I portray in these pages, my friends and family, they are all real.

It's not the most exciting life around, but it's mine, dammit. I really couldn't make this shit up.