Mutiny by the Talent
It's been a disturbing weekend on the internet at Chez Trisa. Due to the sleuthing of a very loyal fan (thanks, Maria!), it has been brought to the fore that the Talent formerly of the 80's latino boy band, and currently of nothing except a record label he created for himself, is one shady, lying, untrustworthy, washed up has been.
Years back he and his producer/partner approached my friend Susie about a fan site she had on the net. They asked her to be the Talent's official internet presence, which she has done, for free, since 1998. For a good while, the label was run out of Susie's living room. Susie hooked him up with yahoo groups, myspace, and oodles of online music distributors. She's been the touch stone and source numero uno for most of his fans.
In October, Susie made the mistake of asking a fellow fan/friend to help out with redesigning his website. No, that's not exactly accurate. E told Susie how she'd love to help out with anything she could, since she's in graphic design, and therefore highly qualified in her own eyes; she'd give the website a professional tweak. Susie got it cleared through the label, and E came on board.
But, fellow readers, you may remember that there was Trouble in Paradise. E's sole agenda is self promotion. She does freelance graphic design and will be the first to stand up and say "I did this for ClientX and if you need anything call me." Or even better, "I'm trying to promote the Talent. I can help you improve your website too, just contact me." The girl has no shame. She pushed Susie out of the partnership and the label, which was fine because Susie still ran the Official Site. (She also owns damned near every permutation of the Talent's name that can be created for a domain name/fan site/yahoo group as well as the, forcing the label to relocate to .org.)
Now the shit has really hit the fan. The talent apparently has been working with E behind Susie's back to create a more professional website using his new stage name. In order to break the contract he was stupid enough to sign, and be able to work and support himself, the Talent is changing is professional name to Talontte. (Professional that is, if you think cut and paste template work is professional. E's website looks eerily like that of her design college.) And neither he, nor the producer, have the balls to tell Susie that they want to go in another direction. They've let her slave over an updated site for over months, knowing all the while that they were yanking her chain.
I don't know about you, but I don't think that's sound business practice, and it's certainly no way to treat your fans. Especially when they are your only source of sales and publicity, and control your entire internet presence.
After such shady dealings, it was time for some light to be shed on the situation. The sites you know and love have been taken down. The fan groups and street team groups are no more. In time, every reference to the Talent's music and sales will be gone. We dedicate ourselves to the new cause, of undoing every piece of work we did on behalf of him and his label. He and his "organization" do not get to continue to benefit from Susie's hard work if they intend to throw her out like so much trash.
Talent, when you were penniless, who did you call for rent money? Producer, while you've been busy playing doctor, who's run your label, insuring some sort of profit? E, how many backs have you stabbed to get to the bottom of your own corporate ladder? Let's face it guys, if Talent was gonna be a superstar, by now, he would be; if Producer wanted to run a record label, he wouldn't be in med school; and if E had any talent, she wouldn't have a day job and be doing graphic design on the side.
Talent told Susie this morning, "It's my name on the fucking web, not yours....they're my fans, not yours." There's no disputing that, but what good will your name do you when it's not on the web anymore? To quote Andy Dick, "Game on, bitches!"
Years back he and his producer/partner approached my friend Susie about a fan site she had on the net. They asked her to be the Talent's official internet presence, which she has done, for free, since 1998. For a good while, the label was run out of Susie's living room. Susie hooked him up with yahoo groups, myspace, and oodles of online music distributors. She's been the touch stone and source numero uno for most of his fans.
In October, Susie made the mistake of asking a fellow fan/friend to help out with redesigning his website. No, that's not exactly accurate. E told Susie how she'd love to help out with anything she could, since she's in graphic design, and therefore highly qualified in her own eyes; she'd give the website a professional tweak. Susie got it cleared through the label, and E came on board.
But, fellow readers, you may remember that there was Trouble in Paradise. E's sole agenda is self promotion. She does freelance graphic design and will be the first to stand up and say "I did this for ClientX and if you need anything call me." Or even better, "I'm trying to promote the Talent. I can help you improve your website too, just contact me." The girl has no shame. She pushed Susie out of the partnership and the label, which was fine because Susie still ran the Official Site. (She also owns damned near every permutation of the Talent's name that can be created for a domain name/fan site/yahoo group as well as the, forcing the label to relocate to .org.)
Now the shit has really hit the fan. The talent apparently has been working with E behind Susie's back to create a more professional website using his new stage name. In order to break the contract he was stupid enough to sign, and be able to work and support himself, the Talent is changing is professional name to Talontte. (Professional that is, if you think cut and paste template work is professional. E's website looks eerily like that of her design college.) And neither he, nor the producer, have the balls to tell Susie that they want to go in another direction. They've let her slave over an updated site for over months, knowing all the while that they were yanking her chain.
I don't know about you, but I don't think that's sound business practice, and it's certainly no way to treat your fans. Especially when they are your only source of sales and publicity, and control your entire internet presence.
After such shady dealings, it was time for some light to be shed on the situation. The sites you know and love have been taken down. The fan groups and street team groups are no more. In time, every reference to the Talent's music and sales will be gone. We dedicate ourselves to the new cause, of undoing every piece of work we did on behalf of him and his label. He and his "organization" do not get to continue to benefit from Susie's hard work if they intend to throw her out like so much trash.
Talent, when you were penniless, who did you call for rent money? Producer, while you've been busy playing doctor, who's run your label, insuring some sort of profit? E, how many backs have you stabbed to get to the bottom of your own corporate ladder? Let's face it guys, if Talent was gonna be a superstar, by now, he would be; if Producer wanted to run a record label, he wouldn't be in med school; and if E had any talent, she wouldn't have a day job and be doing graphic design on the side.
Talent told Susie this morning, "It's my name on the fucking web, not yours....they're my fans, not yours." There's no disputing that, but what good will your name do you when it's not on the web anymore? To quote Andy Dick, "Game on, bitches!"
Wow--the sheer audacity of some people is just amazing. I think Tallonnteee needs to just move on...his sweet little teenie bopper heyday is over. Be an adult, suck it up, and go take that third shift assistant manager job at Taco Bell. He might get reconized once or twice a year and get to sign someone's taco wrapper...that can make him feel special.
Bran, at 5:56 AM
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