Punked--Diddy Style
Here in Houston there's been a steady increase in celebrity sightings and events. More movies are filmed here. There's the occasional preview. And of course, celebrity hosted sports parties.
Last week, for example, Houston hosted the NBA All-Star's Game. (The game itself got no hype...I didn't even know it was happening. For some reason basketball season hasn't even registered this year; but I digress.) There were apparently several celebrity parties in the area because of the game. And news of celebrity sitings spread quickly.
So as I was heading south to Roxy's birthday party, the freeway was a parking lot, and looking down onto the streets in the Galleria area was frightening. Nothing was moving. Police cars blocked all the exits. What could possibly shut down the roadways?
Maybe traffic is being diverted because of the parties? Maybe W is in town again, trying to act cool and put in an appearance at the game or party? But no. The lookie loos were out in force trying to get a glimpse of any stray celebrity.
My friend D, who does contract work with several companies, was invited to go to P. Diddy's party. The company forked over 20 grand for VIP access and face time with Diddy himself. In the traffic melee, D's new car was sideswiped, but trooper that he is, he went to the party, knowing he was meeting bigwigs and wanting to impress.
But Diddy was a no show. What size balls does it take to charge people 20 grand to come to your party and then not show up? Even Joe Millionaire shows up at the party when he plans to collect the small sum of 10K. I guess Diddy was otherwise engaged during filming of any "Making the Band" episodes that talked about meeting your professional obligations, and not letting down your investors. Could he be more unprofessional? Could he have said "Fuck you, Houston!" any louder?
Bend over Houston, and get out the lube; you've been punked...Diddy style.
Last week, for example, Houston hosted the NBA All-Star's Game. (The game itself got no hype...I didn't even know it was happening. For some reason basketball season hasn't even registered this year; but I digress.) There were apparently several celebrity parties in the area because of the game. And news of celebrity sitings spread quickly.
So as I was heading south to Roxy's birthday party, the freeway was a parking lot, and looking down onto the streets in the Galleria area was frightening. Nothing was moving. Police cars blocked all the exits. What could possibly shut down the roadways?
Maybe traffic is being diverted because of the parties? Maybe W is in town again, trying to act cool and put in an appearance at the game or party? But no. The lookie loos were out in force trying to get a glimpse of any stray celebrity.
My friend D, who does contract work with several companies, was invited to go to P. Diddy's party. The company forked over 20 grand for VIP access and face time with Diddy himself. In the traffic melee, D's new car was sideswiped, but trooper that he is, he went to the party, knowing he was meeting bigwigs and wanting to impress.
But Diddy was a no show. What size balls does it take to charge people 20 grand to come to your party and then not show up? Even Joe Millionaire shows up at the party when he plans to collect the small sum of 10K. I guess Diddy was otherwise engaged during filming of any "Making the Band" episodes that talked about meeting your professional obligations, and not letting down your investors. Could he be more unprofessional? Could he have said "Fuck you, Houston!" any louder?
Bend over Houston, and get out the lube; you've been punked...Diddy style.
This isn't an isolated case with just one performer. MANY Celebraties seem to be willing to do this to get that extra pocket money. You should see what Paris hilton charges for the honor of thinking you will be meeting her but she ditches for a cute guy. Prices range depending on how far the actors patootie is stuck up their rear end.
Anonymous, at 1:44 AM
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