Nasty Little Thoughts

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Danger, Will Robinson!

I was at my local Starbuck's today and was extra excited to see they were doing samples.

"What are we tasting today?" I asked MushiMushi behind the counter. (I don't know why I bother because she never knows.)

"I don't know. I think hot chocolate." Well to be fair to MushiMushi, most of their drinks come covered in whipped cream, so I guess they do sort of look alike. But still, she works there, you'd think she'd know what she was giving away for free. (Ms. Trisa loves free!)

So I take the last sample, and take a not so tentative swig, since I remembered my sister talking about premium hot chocolates coming out today. Mmmmm....premium....chocolate...with whipped cream....


I gasped as MushiMushi says, "It's hot pepper hot."

No fooling? We're not talking spicy. (Which for some reason Starbuck's equates with Mexican hot chocolate, but I never had anything Mexican that tasted like that.) It was cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, burn your tonsils off hot.

What an evil thing to do to poor hot chocolate.

Starbucks, I thought, well hoped actually, that you'd learned after your foray into the Mayan culture and tried to serve us chocolate mud. Remember the Chantico anyone? N-A-S-T-Y. But no. Now you've tried to one up Mexican and that's just not gonna fly. I suggest the taster from Starbuck's hop on over to Food Town and get some Abuelita's and find out what Mexican hot chocolate really tastes like.

What are they gonna try next? Jalapeno cream filled Oreos? May God save us all.


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