The reason for the season
It has been holiday season lacking in holiday atmosphere. Christmas trees were hung upside down, which is rather sacreligious to me, right up there with inverting a crucifix. There's been an ongoing media debate over people's choice to say "Merry Christmas" versus "Happy Holidays." There was an online poll to see if Americans were putting up a holiday tree or a Christmas tree. The school I work for sent out a 20 something page memo explaining that any holiday decorations needed to not favor a particular celebration, putting a serious damper on my personal celebration. And I've decided that things have just gotten totally out of control. Hello, America, you can take politically correctness too far.
When the Christian majority, cannot openly celebrate the birth of Jesus, for fear of offending those of other faiths, I feel it's time to reevaluate. This country was founded on the belief of religious freedom and tolerance. Why is it okay for me to tolerate everyone else's celebrations, yet I must curtail my own?
Of course, religious leaders need to be held accountable for their part in this debacle. Many churches chose not to have Christmas day services because they the congregation deserved family time. Excuse me, but wasn't Christmas on a Sunday this year?
And what of Joel Osteen, the leader of the nation's largest church and media darling of the Christian community? He and his family were flying to Vale, Colorado this Christmas week to go skiing. Skiing? In commemoration of the birth of our Lord?
And then there's our newest Pope. The absentee Pope. Benedict was more outspoken before he was in office.
It's a sad state of affairs. Next year, whatever you celebrate, celebrate it openly and with pride. Church leaders, you should be ashamed of your actions this year. You need to remember the reason for the season.
When the Christian majority, cannot openly celebrate the birth of Jesus, for fear of offending those of other faiths, I feel it's time to reevaluate. This country was founded on the belief of religious freedom and tolerance. Why is it okay for me to tolerate everyone else's celebrations, yet I must curtail my own?
Of course, religious leaders need to be held accountable for their part in this debacle. Many churches chose not to have Christmas day services because they the congregation deserved family time. Excuse me, but wasn't Christmas on a Sunday this year?
And what of Joel Osteen, the leader of the nation's largest church and media darling of the Christian community? He and his family were flying to Vale, Colorado this Christmas week to go skiing. Skiing? In commemoration of the birth of our Lord?
And then there's our newest Pope. The absentee Pope. Benedict was more outspoken before he was in office.
It's a sad state of affairs. Next year, whatever you celebrate, celebrate it openly and with pride. Church leaders, you should be ashamed of your actions this year. You need to remember the reason for the season.
I whole heartedly agree :( It is a sad state of afairs.
Don't know if I have much room to talk though, as I haven't been going to church like I should be...
But I refuse to leave the Christ out of Christmas (Xmas) and If I wish anyone a Happy Holiday it will be in the form of "Have a merry Christmas"
Anonymous, at 6:48 AM
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