Nasty Little Thoughts

Friday, February 11, 2005

The truth hurts but so do lies

This is an open letter to all those who have ended a relationship with the phrase "something from my past came up"...

When? When did "something" come up? Before or after we made plans to see each other this week? Before or after you broke those plans? Before or after I came to see you? Please tell me when this elusive "something" came up.

And what it this "something"? You say it's best I don't know the details but this inquiring mind wants to know. Perhaps you yourself are unsure as to the nature of "something". Are you going to jail? Are you moving out of the city/state/country/planet? Have you been abducted by aliens? Has the IRS garnished all your wages for back taxes? Did you give me up for lent? Are you gay? Are you a woman trapped in a man's body? Are you married? Do you have a love child? Are you entering the Witness Protection program? Have you joined the priesthood and taken an oath of celibacy? Is your family involved in a gang rivalling the one my family is affiliated with?

If I'm as "great" as you say. And if you're that concerned for my feelings, then respect me enough to tell me the truth.

I realize it's not easy to be truthful. I've ended relationships before and it's uncomfortable to know you will be causing another person pain. But it's necessary sometimes. Let me give you some personal examples.

Cuz, I have realized I still have feelings for Metro. When I'm with you I think about him and talk about him all the time and I realize this isn't fair to you. If I'm still having feelings for Metro, then I can't be with you.

Willis, I have been seeing other people, and one of these guys has asked me to be exclusive. Since I want an exclusive, long term relationship, and you won't divorce your wife, I have to put all my energy into this relationship with Exclusive Guy.

Speakerman, do you really want to know the truth? The truth is I am already seeing 3 other people and I don't want to fit you in.

I have no doubt that these gentlemen were hurt. But they have no doubts about our relationships. So if you're going to cause pain, trauma, intestinal distress, insomnia, binge eating, migraines and mood swings from hell, the least you can do is to explain the "something" that is going on.


  • Go Trisa, with your blogging self! So true, so true.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:09 PM  

  • I agree 100% !!!! You go girl!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:09 PM  

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